Project Description
Client: ISEC and Thames Oil Port JV
Stakeholders: Intergen, ISEC, Shell.
Project Duration: 13 months
Project Scope
The works comprised of the demolition of 26nr. buildings, 316,000m2 of slabs and foundation removal and ground remediation of hydrocarbons compounds, re-engineering of soils to enable a construction platform.
Project Constraints & Challenges:
- Working adjacent to the Thames sea wall
- Working within a COMAR site, adjacent to a gas fired power station, Thames Gateway Port and Shell Haven fuel depot.
- Environment Agency Mobile Treatment License.
- Historical Bitumen Spill of 1,062t
- Production of 110,000t of recycled aggregates.
- Successful Bio-remediation of 38,000tn of hydrocarbon impacted soils to date.
- Successful clean up of the bitumen spill to a hazardous waste site.
- Re-engineering of soils after a 1m to 2m turnover of the site.
- Zero AFR / LTI
- Successful collaborative working with agencies and industries.