Sustainability Pathway

DSM is on a journey to eliminate or minimise all adverse environmental impacts associated with our works and wherever possible produce long term improvement to the environment in which we work.

We plan, undertake and monitor our performance in each of the four areas covered by the Pillars of Sustainability we have adopted.

The core principles that underpin our journey to 100% sustainability are:

Increase the focus on the use of sustainable practices, resources, and materials

Continuous investment into modern plant, equipment, and attachments to provide improvements in efficiency and reductions in environmental impacts

Adopting technological advancement and methods of working within our work sectors and educating our workforce in their use and environmental benefits

Pillars of Sustainability


Details of DSM’s Climate Change Actions


Details of DSM’s Circular Economy Performance


Details of DSM’s Environmental Performance


Details of DSM’s Performance in The Community


DSM’s core work areas unavoidably involve using high energy density fuels. In order to reduce the environmental impact, fossil fuels are currently being replaced with HVO fuels that only have a fraction of the in- scope carbon dioxide emissions.

  • We are committed to our Carbon Reduction Plan setting out emission reduction targets. Our existing 5-year Plan is in place for the period 2020 – 2025 and sets out a targeted mean annual reduction of 5% CO2e, and to be carbon neutral by 2050 at the latest.

  • To reduce our carbon emissions to the minimum practicable we have embarked on a two-pronged action plan
  • Initial Action: We have embarked on a plant, equipment and vehicle replacement programme to introduce more fuel-efficient units. Replacement vehicles include full electric vehicles and plug in hybrid vehicles. We have adopted a policy of elimination of travel to meetings where possible and instead use remote meetings through “Teams” and other online systems.
  • Secondary Action: we would always seek to directly reduce our carbon footprint, however where this isn’t possible, we would adopt of a Carbon offset strategy which could include tree planting in areas close to our work sites.

The nature of DSM’s core work of demolition, decommissioning and remediation, inevitably produces “waste” materials

  • In the period 2018 to 2020, the total amount of waste materials produced by us, amounted to 612,605 tonnes.
  • We diverted 98.4% of this away from landfill, a total of 605,846 tonnes of material that was able to be re-used, recycled or recovered.
  • This included 490,149 tonnes (80.0%), of materials which were processed by us and turned into a secondary aggregates.
  • Not all waste materials can be recycled (e.g. asbestos), in these instances we are careful to ensure that they are disposed of in a controlled manner.
  • We observe all environmental safeguards and regulations and seek to minimise the carbon footprint of the associated transportation.

Re-Use, Recycling & Recovery Statistics 2018-2020

Tonnes re-used, recycled or recovered
Diverted from landfill

DSM designs and carries out all works so as to eliminate or minimise any adverse environmental impacts. Wherever possible:</strong

  • We take into account the environmental performance of all plant and equipment
  • We monitor our environmental performance across a number of fields
  • We train all our staff in the way that the environmental impact from their work tasks can be minimised
  • We have (wherever practicable) replaced substances that fall under the COSHH regulations with safer non-hazardous alternatives.
  • All wood and wood products purchased by us are FSC certified

DSM recognises the importance of being a thoughtful and considerate neighbour to those who live and work close to our sites. We aim to support and improve the community around all of our sites:

  • We collected clothing from our employees to be distributed through a charity running a soup kitchen.
  • We give support to the local communities surrounding our work sites. Recently:

      • We collected clothing from our employees to be distributed through a charity running a soup kitchen.
      • Collected and disposed of fly tipped asbestos and lorry tyres for a small group of residents close to one of our work sites.
      • At a site close to existing housing, we commissioned an artist to paint murals on the site hoarding to improve the appearance of the site to local residents
  • We train our staff in understanding the culture and sensitivities of the diverse communities that surround our sites. We ensure that all members of the public are treated respectfully and courteously by our staff.