On 1st June DSM successfully demolished the former 5,000 ton DA Bay structure at the former Eggborough Power station plant. This phase of the demolition was the forth successful explosive
demolition in the ongoing redevelopment of the site which is earmarked for mixed use regeneration in a Joint Venture by St Francis Group and Commercial Development Projects.
The implosion took place at 9.50am within the perimeter of a secured 350m diameter exclusion zone to safeguard the public and third parties.
Over 40 DSM employees implemented the localised road closures and the exclusion zone supported by officers from North Yorkshire Police on the day and state of the art surveillance equipment
including heat seeking drones ensured that the zone was completely sterile in advance of the works.
The DSM Team as on the previous implosions have worked closely with Services providers to ensure uninterrupted gas and electricity supplies to the local area. The preparation works were carefully planned and coordinated on site to deliver the works in a safe and controlled manner.
State of the art shaped cutting charges were utilised to initiate the required collapse of the steel structure and the separation of the DA Bay from the Boiler House was captured by remote sacrificial
imaging cameras inside the structure.
As before and in advance of the works DSM met with local councillors to explain the works approach and to emphasise our prime concern of the safety of the public and monitoring measures to
evidence that the works did not cause an environmental pollution nuisance – residents were notified of the works by local mail shots and through social media pages
Watch the Video: https://vimeo.com/716021572
Video credit: Sky Revolutions